Services Offered - Arihant Waterslides



Owning to this ability of chalking a profitable business for our clients, we first outline the vital aspects of the project that deal with market potential, visitor traffic estimates, operating cost estimates and overall project profitability.

Master Planning

And Design

All projects at Arihant are planned keeping in mind the minutest details and requirements of the clients. At this stage, we ensure that we customize all parks as per the client’s requirements preferences and constraints.

Theme and

Concept Developement

Theming gives a story to a slide that visitors can connect to! We offer custom themes that give an edge to slides and help them to stand out from competition.


We are 90012015 certified. All our products confirm to international standards (EN 1069 & ASTM) in terms of design performance and safety manufactured with stringent quality control measures.


And Trails

We not only install our products on the specified location but also exicute trials to ensure operation safety before the rides open for visitors.

After sales


We have always believed in nuturing and maintaining relationships with our clients post project completions too. Our customer service team helps us achive this by efficiently assisting the clients in their post installation queries.



Our services are not limited to just installing the slides but we also train you for the future. With our experience of managinf a waterpark, we can devise a training program for our selective clients to prepare you for the nitty-gritties of running a park successfully.
